Student Solution


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European Union_Week 8 Case Study

European Union_Week 8 Case Study

Q 1. Despite the single recommended price announced for the region, why are the prices of the Xbox Kinect different across Europe?

Q 2. Why is Europe a key element in the success of the Xbox Kinect? What market characteristics explain the phenomenon?3. Given the information in the case study, what marketing strategies has Microsoft used for Kinect in Europe, and what further elements do you think contribute to this success?

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It is seen from the case study that selling of Xbox Kinect is done in different prices at different places. Competitive strategies are permitted by the market nature in Europe. There was variation in prices when retail price was decreased by one of the chief rivals named Saturn as a promotional strategy. It was needed for competing sellers such as media market and Amazon to reduce their prices in order for this move to be countered as products with lowest prices will be bought by the consumers definitely (Suder, 2018).